Timing is Everything: How to Post on Instagram in 2024 for Maximum User Attention

Sep 2024, 5 Mins Read

Instagram has evolved its algorithm in recent years, making it far more difficult to share visible posts on the platform. It prioritizes postings generated by users’ friends and family, with fewer business posts appearing in people’s queue. The platform gives even less weight to commercial posts that contain links that are likely to drive users away from the Instagram app. 

Businesses that want to flourish on Instagram must master the platform. This includes establishing the best time to post on Instagram and targeting a time when people are more likely to check their Instagram accounts, but this does not coincide with the time when most Instagram users upload content. 

Businesses must invest in creating a major presence on instagram, which is predicted to reach 1.44 billion users. This blog reveals the most engaged timing for the user to post on Instagram in 2024. 

Why do you need to post on instagram at a particular time?

You may be wondering why you have to go through a lot of effort to post at the specified hour. It is the secret sauce for instagram success, 

1. To broaden outreach

It is fairly straightforward. If you post when your audience is most active, more people will see it. On the other hand, if your post is in the midst of the night or during a busy time for your audience, your post will be buried under newer postings when they check their feed. 

2. To boost commitment

Higher audience activity enhances the likelihood of engagement. Also, once you have decided when to post, you can stick to it. This enables you to respond to comments and engage with the community.

3. Stay Updated With Algorithm Upgrades

Social media network algorithms are continuously updated. In most circumstances, you wont notice anything has changed. Instagram executives have previously stated that there is a distinct algorithm for each component of the app but there is little transparency about it to the public. 

According to ex-HubSpot Marketer , Mathew Cruz, 

“Instagram’s algorithm and UX tweaks have influenced the effectiveness of publishing at various times. Unless your users consume their content in the following view, the time your audience sees your content may vary  ”

If you have figured out the best time to post on instagram, you can stay up with algorithm updates. Furthermore, if you notice a decrease in engagement, you can identify an algorithm change early on and adjust accordingly. 

4.Create a Consistent Posting Schedule

HubSpot marketer Erin McCool emphasizes the importance of high-quality and consistent content over timing. 

We agree, but what if you could combine time and consistency?

Knowing when to post can help you build a regular posting schedule because you know how much content to create and when it should be scheduled. It also saves time for your social media teams because they don't have to be in “ always on” mode. You may even compose and schedule posts in advance. 

5. To Identify Brand Lovers

When you post during peak engagement times, you can identify users who interact with your posts frequently. They can then function as brand ambassadors. For example, you may collaborate with them to develop user-generated materia for Instagram accounts. Because these people are active at the same time as you, they are more likely to publish high-quality content alongside your articles.

What factors determine the best time to post on Instagram?

As previously noted, the good time to post on Instagram varies by profile and sector. Here are several factors influencing the ideal timing to post on Instagram. 

1. Audience population 

is the age of your target audience? need to view are they students, professionals, or home parents? The optimum time to post on Instagram is heavily influenced by audience demographics. 

For instance, if the majority of your audience are moms who are at home, you can see higher engagement in the afternoon when their children are asleep. However, if your target audience is primarily students, expect higher levels of interaction in the evenings or weekends.

2. Time realms 

Some brands and influencers reach an international audience. As an outcome, the optimal time for them to post on Instagram may differ from that of their local audience. 

For instance, Let's imagine you're a brand in New York, USA. According to your own study and industry information, the ideal time to post is 4 p.m.However, 30 percent of your audience is from Australia. With a 14-hour time difference between New York and Canberra, the best time to post on instagram for an Australian audience is early in the morning at 6. AM. You should consider time differences while posting for diverse audiences. 

3. Types of content: Stories, Reels, or Posts (feed)

As you have noticed from the studies described above, the best time to post reels, stories , and feed posts vary on instagram. While there is no definitive reason for why this is the case, it could be related to the length and nature of the content. 

For example, stories are often the first thing users see on instagram. As an outcome, your target audience may engage with them while on the go or during work breaks. Because of its shorter duration, they may interact with them more than once per day. Check instagram stories analytics to determine when your audience is most engaged with them.

Feed posts, particularly carousel posts and reels, need more time and attention from the audience. The optimal time to post them could be when your target audience is most accessible, such as early in the early hours or late in the evening.

4. Day of the Week

The day of the week may also influence the optimal instagram posting hours. Most of the research we discussed found that weekdays are better for posting on instagram than weekends.It's possible that people check their phones less on weekends because they spend more time with their family or fulfill their weekly tasks.

On weekdays, most people are fatigued from work. Their primary form of unwinding is most likely through social media. That is why weekday evening postings may garner a lot of attention.

Days best time to post on Instagram  

The most prevalent times to post on Instagram are between 7 and 8 a.m., and also at 4 and 8 p.m. on Mondays.

Monday's peak Instagram engagement time is 7 a.m.

The best time to post on Instagram on Tuesday is in the early mornings, according to our data, as 7 a.m. has a higher interaction rate. 

On Tuesday, Instagram engagement peaked at 7 a.m.

The best time to post on Instagram on Wednesday follows a similar pattern. 

On Wednesdays, Instagram engagement peaks at 7 a.m.

The best times to post on Instagram on Thursdays are 7 a.m., 8 a.m., and 4 p.m. 

On Thursdays, Instagram engagement peaks at 7 a.m.

The best times to post on Instagram on Friday are 4 p.m. and 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. 

On Friday, the highest time for Instagram engagement was 4 p.m.

The ideal time to post on Instagram on Saturday is at 7 a.m., however, interaction is lower than on weekdays. 

On Saturday, the peak time for Instagram engagement is 7 a.m.

The best time to post on Instagram on Sunday is in the evening, between 6 and 9 p.m. 

The peak hour for Instagram engagement on Sunday is 7 p.m.

How to discover your own good time to post on Instagram?

When social marketers have data at their disposal, they can better plan content. And, as platforms grow, so that they way brands and consumers utilize social media, and vice versa. 

Staying on the top of new content formats and trends can help you reach your target audience in unexpected ways, as well as discover new segments and personas you weren't previously targeting.

How to Find the Best Time to Post on Instagram Using Insights?

While you may be eager to jump in and post at these suggested peak engagement times as part of your strategy, consider combining this data with your own Instagram analytics. You may realize that your target audience is engaged at various times.

If you already have a creator or business account, use Instagram Insights to determine the ideal times to post. Follow these steps:
To access your profile, tap ≡ in the top right corner.

Tap Insights.

More information can be found by tapping the analytics under the Overview section or specific content you've published. From here, select Total Followers and scroll to view their most active moments.

As a leading Instagram Marketing Agency, BizVertex makes it easier than ever to find your own best time to post on Instagram. Experiment with us by looking through the durations listed above, scheduling a post, and tracking its success to determine what works best for your target audience. Use these sophisticated BizVertex tools to determine the best times to distribute your content for maximum interaction and how to post on instagram.



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